My tooth drama is almost over thank you to friends who sent me get well wish. It was a pretty good winter day in Melbourne. My DH suggested we should go out .. so off we go... He told me he wants to check out Garden shop somewhere in Mt, Eliza( that is south of Melbourne near the ocean, for thoes who don't know where it is). My DH is interested in Gardening these days.. yep.. I have my own gardener, Lucky me.. (smile).. After 30mins driving from home. .. We arrived at a place called " Lintons Home and garden" Many of you in Australia might know which one I am talking about... It was my first time visiting there despite of many times of driving pass..
Here is the entrance of the Lintons.. I love the big pots and the trees..

we were looking for some good looking pots for our garden.. and found them.. but guess what??The price.. was..
the front small one is $1200.00
the back left medium one is $3000.00
and finally the bigest one is $4000.00 yikes..
and the girl between the pots..
More pots.. a lof of handsom ones...
The gift shop has so many french inspired goods.. I especially loved this daybed..
not to mention .. Linen covering and the cushions..
Linen apron and the bag.. cute,, don't you think??
Love these flower stand and the flowers.

I will upload more photos from our little day trip tomorrow..
Have a great morning, afternoon, evening..!!!
x Julie